Orthopaedic Conditions

What is Osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis. It is a degenerative disease that worsen over a time which often results in chronic pain. Osteoarthritis can damage any joint but most commonly affects joints of hands, knees, hips and spine. Most commonly involved are weight bearing joints like hips and knees. Other joints like distal joints of fingers and thumb, cervical and lumbar spine can also develop osteoarthritis. It affects millions of people around the globe, the hip joint is commonly affected in western population, while the knee joint is more commonly involved with Asian living habits i.e., the habit of squatting and sitting cross-legged fluid which is present in the joint cavity. It occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the end of the bones wears down or gets damaged and hence the joints do not move as smoothly as it should. In a healthy joint, bones are covered with a surface known as cartilage which allows the bones to move freely against each other. The osteoarthritis treatment at The Rehab World includes a host of rehabilitation therapies, such as Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, Yoga Therapy, Diet & Nutrition Therapy etc. The therapies are known to improve individuals with osteoarthritis in many ways.
Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage that cushions the end of bones in the joints gradually deteriorate. Cartilage is a firm, slippery tissue that enables nearly frictionless joint motion. Eventually, if the cartilage wears down completely, bone will rub on bone.
Osteoarthritis has often been referred to as a “wear and tear” disease. But besides the breakdown of cartilage, osteoarthritis affects the entire joint. It causes changes in the bone and deterioration of the connective tissues that hold the joint together and attach muscle to bone. It also causes inflammation of the joint lining.
There are two types of osteoarthritis based on the causes:
- Primary Osteoarthritis which occurs in old age due to continuous wear and tear, mainly in the weight-bearing joints: knees and hip.
- Secondary Osteoarthritis which leads to degeneration of the joint, for example, congenital dislocation of the hip, malunited fractures, etc.
At The Rehab World, osteoarthritis treatment includes a thorough assessment of the patient’s extent of disability & abilities. All the risk factors are separately assessed and along with the management of osteoarthritis, measures are taken to reduce the risk factors which are modifiable and hence help in better outcome in patients with osteoarthritis.
Some of the risk factors include:
- Old Age (non-modifiable): The risk of developing Osteoarthritis increases with age.
- Gender (non-modifiable): Women are more likely to develop OA than men, especially after age 50, though it isn’t clear why.
- Obesity (modifiable): Extra weight puts more stress on joints, particularly weight-bearing joints like the hips and knees. This stress increases the risk of Osteoarthritis in that joint. Obesity may also have metabolic effects that increase the risk of Osteoarthritis.
- Joint injury or overuse (modifiable): These Injuries occur from an accident and other injuries such as knee bending and repetitive stress on a joint, can damage a joint and increase the risk of Osteoarthritis in that joint.
- Sports injury (modifiable): Sports which includes repetitive impact and twisting, e.g., football, baseball pitching, etc.
- Genetics (non-modifiable): Some People who have family members with Osteoarthritis inherit a tendency to develop Osteoarthritis.
- Occupation (modifiable): Jobs that require repetitive kneeling and squatting with heavy lifting.
- Weak muscles (modifiable): Joints can get out of the right position when there’s not enough support.
- Born deformities: Some people are born with malformed joints or defective cartilage.
During the early stages, the joint is usually asymptomatic as cartilage does not have blood supply and nerve supply but pain becomes constant in later stages. Symptoms tend to build over time rather than show up suddenly. They include:
- Pain or aching in the joint- It is one of the earliest symptoms. Pain occurs intermittently in the beginning, but becomes constant over months or years. Initially, it is dull pain and comes on starting an activity after a period of rest; but later it becomes worse and cramp-like, and comes after activity.
- Joint stiffness usually occurs first thing in the morning or after resting.
- Limited range of motion that may go away after movement.
- Clicking or cracking sound when a joint bends.
- Swelling around a joint.
- Muscle weakness around the joint.
- Joint instability or buckling (knee gives out).
- In the worst case, the patient is no longer able to do daily tasks or work.
Osteoarthritis symptoms can usually be managed by staying active, maintaining a healthy weight and some treatment might slow progression of the disease.
Although there are no definitive curative treatments available for Osteoarthritis, below options are available to manage the symptoms
- Medication
- Rehabilitation
- Corrective surgeries in severe cases
In osteoarthritis efforts are directed to delay the occurrence, to stop progress of the disease if it is in early stages or to rehabilitate the patient, with or without surgery, if the disabilities can be partially or completely alleviated.
Osteoarthritis Treatment at The Rehab World
Osteoarthritis treatment at The Rehab World, includes rehabilitation therapies that reduce inflammation and oxidative stress which in turn reduces pain and muscle spasm and enables a pain free and better quality of life. Most importantly, these therapies are all safe and well tolerated.
The Rehabilitation Therapies for Osteoarthritis at The Rehab World
Rehabilitation plays a very important role in treatment of Osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis (OA) causes reduced muscle strength (particularly in those muscles around the affected joint), decreased flexibility, weight gain, limitation in the ability to do Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and often compromised mobility. Rehabilitation is important to maintain muscle strength and to help identify factors that are contributing to an increase in the rate of this wear and tear. The rehabilitative therapies available at The Rehab World, India, for osteoarthritis include:
- Physiotherapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Yoga Therapy
- Diet and Nutrition Therapy
The above rehabilitation therapies promote the overall well-being of the patient with osteoarthritis by catering to their specific needs. At The Rehab World, we have a team of experts ready to serve you, all under one roof. They are available to provide their expertise through Tele Services, Home Visits as well as Centre visits. They work in cohesion to personalize a plan of care which will give u a pain free life and helps in improving quality of life.
At The Rehab World, we provide a treatment plan with the objective of yielding a variety of benefits. While the degree of improvement varies from person to person, here are some of the benefits of rehabilitation therapies by the experts at The Rehab World:
- Decrease Joint pain
- Decrease stiffness
- Increase range of motion of the joint involved.
- Decreased fatigue
- Improved stamina
- Improved immunity
- Improved range of motion at spine.

What is Spondylosis?
Spondylosis is a general term for degenerative arthritis changes of the spine. It is also known as spinal osteoarthritis. The spine is made up of 33 individual bones which are stacked one on top of the other. These bones are known as vertebrae. Spine is divided into 5 columns; cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, sacral spine and coccyx.
The spinal column provides the main support to the body which allows an individual to stand upright, bend, and twist. It also protects the spinal cord from injury. Strong muscles and bones, flexible tendons and ligaments, and sensitive nerves contribute to a healthy spine. Our spine has two important structures; facet joint and intervertebral disc. Facet joint connects the vertebrae with one another and it allows back mobility. Each vertebra in the spine is separated and cushioned by an intervertebral disc, these are made up of a gel-filled center called the nucleus and a tough fibrous outer ring called the annulus. The annulus pulls the vertebrae bones together against the resistance of the gel-filled nucleus. The gel filled nucleus contains mostly fluid. This fluid is absorbed during the night after lying down and is pushed out during the day as one moves upright. In spondylosis facet joint and intervertebral disc shows degenerative changes which can cause pain, stiffness and limited mobility in the spine. Spondylosis can affect any region of the spine; cervical spondylosis which affects the neck, thoracic spondylosis which affects the middle of the spine, lumbar spondylosis which affects the lower back and multi-level spondylosis which affects more than one part of the spine. The spondylosis treatment at The Rehab World includes a host of rehabilitation therapies, such as Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, Yoga Therapy, Diet & Nutrition, etc. The therapies are known to impact individuals with spondylosis in a holistic way.
While we generally think of arthritis as age related, these changes can occur at any age. Heavy labour jobs, high impact sports, previous neck or back injuries may all contribute to accelerated arthritis. Bad habits like smoking quickly accelerates the degenerative process in the spine.
At The Rehab World, spondylosis treatment includes a thorough check up of the patient’s extent of disability & abilities. All the risk factors are separately assessed and along with the management of spondylosis, measures are taken to reduce the risk factors which are modifiable and hence help in better outcome in patients with spondylosis.
Some of the risk factors include:
- Modifiable
- Obesity or Overweight
- Sedentary lifestyle with lack of exercise
- Occupation which requires repetitive or weight-bearing movements that involve the spine
- Any previous spine injury or repetitive stress over spine
- Smoking
- Mental health condition, such as anxiety or depression
- Non-modifiable
- Age- The risk of developing spondylosis increases with age.
- Genetics- People who have family members with spondylosis are more likely to develop spondylosis
- Stiffness or localized aching at the involved area of spine
- Difficulty in movement of neck or back
- Difficulty in functional activity that requires flexibility or prolonged repetitions of trunk motions
- Crepitus, or a grinding noise may be heard with movement.
- Headaches may be present as a radiating pain from the neck due to pain in the neck.
- Radiculopathy– altered changes in their arms or legs depending on the location of the spondylosis.
In spondylosis, symptoms undergo spontaneous remissions and exacerbations. Different exercises and therapies are prescribed depending on progression of the disease
Spondylosis Treatment at The Rehab World
At The Rehab World, we provide a whole range of state-of-the-art rehabilitation therapies and services all under one roof. These best possible treatments are focused on giving a pain free life to the individuals which will make them more functional in daily living activities. Spondylosis treatment at The Rehab World, includes therapies that reduce the progression of degeneration which in turn reduces pain and muscle spasm and enables a pain free and better quality of life. These therapies are all safe and well tolerated.
The Rehabilitation therapies at The Rehab World include:
At The Rehab World, Rehabilitation is given due importance as one of the best spondylosis treatments. Every day “wear and tear” damages spinal joints. In advanced stages, spinal arthritis can be painful and deteriorate into other conditions when the nerves become pinched (e.g. sciatica). Rehabilitations is a very important part of making your life less painful, more functional and very enjoyable. It should also slow down the speed with which your spondylosis deteriorates. Physiotherapy has been shown by research to reduce the pain and disability associated with spondylosis.
The rehabilitative therapies available at The Rehab World, for spondylosis include:
- Physiotherapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Dietary Modification
- Yoga therapy
Together, these therapies promote the overall well-being of the patient with spondylosis by catering to their specific needs. At The Rehab World, we have a team of experts ready to serve you, all under one roof.
Benefits of Rehabilitation Therapies at The Rehab World
At The Rehab World, we provide all type of rehabilitation services with the objective of yielding a variety of benefits. While the degree of improvement varies from person to person, here are some of the benefits of rehabilitation therapies at The Rehab World:
- Decrease spine pain
- Decrease paraspinal muscle aches
- Improved stamina
- Improved range of motion at spine.

Sports injury
Sports which includes repetitive impact and twisting, e.g., football, baseball pitching, etc. results in sports injury
Sports injuries are different from other normal day to day injuries. The demands of sport on the body are higher than everyday activities such as walking. Sports put more pressure on the joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons and can make them prone to injury.
Sports physiotherapy is a speciality within physiotherapy which is dedicated to the assessment and treatment of injuries related to sports and exercise at all levels and ages. Whether the sport is running in thd marathon, playing football or cricket, each injury has to be considered in the context of the demands of the activity. As well as getting athletes out of pain and back to full function, sports physiotherapists are also focused on the performance and development of the individual. The goal of sports physiotherapist is to get their patients out of pain as soon as possible so that their performance doesn’t get affected.
Rehabilitation is a very important part of making life less painful, more functional and enjoyable. It should also slow down the speed at which the pain increases. Physiotherapy has been shown to reduce the pain and disability associated with sports injury.
The rehabilitative therapies available at The Rehab World, for sports injury include:
- Physiotherapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Dietary Modification
- Yoga therapy
All of these therapies promote the overall well-being of the patient with sports injury by catering to their specific needs. At The Rehab World, we have a team of experts ready to serve you, all under one roof.
Physiotherapy in sports injury helps to keep the joints and muscles moving, it helps ease pain and improves mobility. Physiotherapist will assess how the pain affects you and put together a programme of advice, exercises and other therapies that will help to keep you moving and reduce your pain.
At The Rehab World, we provide a treatment plan with the objective of yielding a variety of benefits. While the degree of improvement varies from person to person, here are some of the benefits of rehabilitation therapies by the experts at The Rehab World:
- Immediate relief from acute pain
- Reduced pain
- Better mobility
- Improved muscle strength
- Improved strength

Joint Aches & Pain
Joint pain and aches can happen to anyone due to discomfort, aches and soreness in any part of the body. It is one of the most common complain and doesn’t require any hospital visits.
Arthritis is the most common cause of joint pain. Osteoarthritis is most common in people with above age of 40 and it slowly progresses and affects below joints of the body:
- Wrists
- Hands
- Hips
- Knees
Joint pain in Osteoarthritis occurs due to damage to the cartilage which serves as a cushion and shock absorber to joints.
Some other causes of joint pain are:
- Bursitis
- Gout
- Lupus
- Some infectious diseases like influenza and hepatitis
- Tendinitis
- Any infection to the bone
- Overuse of a joint
Rehabilitation is a very important part of making life less painful, more functional and enjoyable. It should also slow down the speed at which the pain increases. Physiotherapy has been shown to reduce the pain and disability associated with joint pain.
The rehabilitative therapies available at The Rehab World, for joint pain include:
- Physiotherapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Dietary Modification
- Yoga therapy
All of these therapies promote the overall well-being of the patient with joint pain by catering to their specific needs. At The Rehab World, we have a team of experts ready to serve you, all under one roof.
Physiotherapy helps to keep the joints and muscles moving, it helps ease pain and improves mobility. Physiotherapist will assess how the pain affects you and put together a programme of advice, exercises and other therapies that will help to keep you moving and reduce your pain.
At The Rehab World, we provide a treatment plan with the objective of yielding a variety of benefits. While the degree of improvement varies from person to person, here are some of the benefits of rehabilitation therapies by the experts at The Rehab World:
- Decreased joint pain
- Decreased stiffness
- Better mobility
- Improved muscle movement

What is Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is an orthopaedic condition in which bones become weak and brittle. Normally a body constantly absorbs and replaces bone tissue but in case of osteoporosis new bone creation doesn’t keep up with the old bone removal.
Lifelong lack of calcium leads to osteoporosis. Low calcium intake leads to diminished bone density, early bone loss eventually increasing risk of fracture. Many men and women has eating disorders where they don’t take proper diet and food intake and being underweight which results in bone weakness.
Many times people do not show any symptoms of osteoporosis until they suffer a bone fracture.
Common symptoms of osteoporosis are:
- Back pain: caused due to bone fracture or collapsed vertebra
- Stooped posture
- Loss of height over time
- A bone that breaks more easily than expected
- Self care: by taking healthy diet and daily exercises
- Medication: by taking vitamins, dietary supplements, antacid and hormone
- Rehabilitation therapy
Rehabilitation therapies helps in strengthen the bone which improves the balance and strength to walk and do other daily living activities.
Physiotherapy has been proven to strengthen the bone as well as walking. It prevents bone thinning, reduces falls and also help in pain management.
Bone is a living tissue which can be improved through physiotherapy.

Overuse injury
These Injuries occur from an accident and other injuries such as knee bending and repetitive stress on a joint, can damage a joint and increase the risk of other diseases like Osteoarthritis in that joint.